Á¦Ç°¸íCONFIRM anti-bcl-2 (124) Mouse Monoclonal Primary Antibody
Package Inserts

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Quantity: 50 tests
Controls: Interfollicular T Cells in Tonsil, B Cells of the Mantle Zone
Isotypes: IgG1
Clone Name: 124
Species: Mouse
Localization: Cytoplasmic
Regulatory Status: IVD
CONFIRM anti-bcl-2 (124) Mouse Monoclonal Primary Antibody (CONFIRM anti-bcl-2 (124)) is directed against human bcl-2 expressed by B cells of the mantle zone and interfollicular T cells. This antibody exhibits a cytoplasmic staining pattern and may be used to aid in the identification of follicular lymphomas and diffuse large cell lymphomas, and to differentiate follicular lymphomas from reactive lymph nodes. CONFIRM anti-bcl-2 (124) is designed to qualitatively detect the presence of cells expressing bcl-2 protein via light microscopy in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. This product should be interpreted by a qualified pathologist in conjunction with histological examination, relevant clinical information, and proper controls. This antibody is intended for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) use.