Á¦Ç°¸íALK-1 (ALK01)
Package Inserts

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CONFIRM anti-ALK1 (ALK01) recognizes a formalin resistant epitope in both the p80 protein, identified as a hybrid of the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) protein and the nucleophosmin (NPM) protein and the 200 kD normal ALK proteins.1 CONFIRM anti-ALK1
(ALK01) may also recognize any ALK protein chimeric produced as a result of variant translocations involving the ALK gene on chromosome 2.2 CONFIRM anti-ALK1 (ALK01) recognizes varying degrees of ALK expression in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of anaplastic lymphoma cells.1 ALK protein expression is substantially specific for anaplastic lymphomas, except for weak expression in some normal cells in the central nervous system including neurons, glial cells and endothelial cells.1 ALK expression may also be seen in inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors2 and rare rhabdomyosarcomas.3